
Just a reminder about the FDAA Gala Dinner, scheduled for Saturday, July 15th at the Hyatt. Tickets are $100 per person, or $800 for a table of 10. You can contact Jim Whitt at james.whitt[at] for more information.

And just so you know, the class of 96 is filling two (2) tables. That’s 2 more tables than 95 sucks will fill. And that also doesn’t include the 97 table, which I’m confident will be filled as well.

If you’re class has never been to a gala, or hasn’t been the last few years, the class of 96 challenges your class to fill a table, and then further challenges you to drink as much as we do, without starting any trouble, or calling an ambulance.

Looking forward to seeing as many brothers there as possible!

You’re welcome.
